帕萨迪纳地区社区学院区(PACCD)寻求一名主管/校长 具备资格、专业能力和个人素质 有效地结合起来,将使他或她能够成功地领导学院 应对上述挑战,抓住上述机遇.

总监/校长是学区的首席执行官 并向由社区居民选出的七人董事会汇报工作 of their respective geographical areas. The Superintendent/President is the administrative 他是该区的领导人,因此负责监督各项行动 of the entire District. These responsibilities include planning, assessment, budget, 对学术课程、行政和学生服务的监督 关键管理人员的考核,以确保事业单位是会议 the educational needs of the students and community. The Superintendent/President represents the District to community groups; business 和行业; local public elementary and high school districts; federal, state, county and city agencies; public and private colleges and universities; and potential donors to the 基金会.

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Meet the Candidates

关闭 卡洛斯·科尔特斯,他最近担任圣地亚哥社区的校长 在大学区,有超过18年的大学行政管理经验 including 13 as a chief executive. He has worked at public, private, and charter schools in Washington, D.C., Houston, New York City, Los Angeles, Berkeley, and San Diego, 并在纽约国立大学约翰霍普金斯大学任教 University, and UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UC San Diego. Throughout his career, Dr. 科特斯 是否选择主要与服务不足、种族多样化的学生群体合作 from systemically marginalized communities.

在他被任命为PCC的临时总监/总裁之前,josjos. 戈麦斯 曾担任执行副校长,教务长(大学的首席学术官), 洛杉矶加州州立大学首席运营官. 在加州州立大学 洛杉矶,博士. 戈麦斯在提高学生成功的战略努力中发挥了重要作用 筹资,并通过与政府合作加深与该地区的接触 和行业. Dr. 戈麦斯 led major initiatives to expand opportunities for students at Cal State LA, including Cal State LA’s downtown campus; the Prison 毕业 Initiative, California’s first bachelor’s degree program taught in state prison; and Cal State 洛杉矶生物空间,一个促进包容性创业的区域孵化器. He also established 与洛杉矶足球俱乐部合作翻新大学体育场 在校园内建设专业的足球训练和操作设施. As an educator, Dr. 戈麦斯 has taught courses at Chaffey College, Mt. San Antonio College, Cal State LA, and USC. He previously served as higher education adviser to the president 加州参议院特别顾问,加州教育委员会执行董事 设施管理局,并在加州司法部担任高级职务 and the State Treasurer’s Office. Dr. 戈麦斯 is a Pasadena resident, and his experience 作为在圣盖博谷长大的第一代大学生,我受到了启发 his three-decade career in education and government. He received Cal Poly Pomona’s Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2019.

关闭 Thuy Thi Nguyen 目前是加西亚律师事务所Hernández Sawhney的合伙人,提供法律 为社区大学提供建议,担任加州非裔美国人的总法律顾问 社区学院理事和管理人员(黑人核心小组),并担任委员会 counsel to the Oakland 警察 Commission. In 2016, Nguyen became the first Vietnamese 美国大学校长,在全国任职五年多的校长 Foothill College. 阮是佩拉尔塔社区学院区的总法律顾问 (a four-college district) for more than eleven years since 2003. From January to June 2015年,她从Peralta CCD离职,担任临时总裁兼首席执行官 officer of the 社区 College League of California. Nguyen then served as interim 从七月起担任加州社区学院校长办公室的总法律顾问 2015 to June 2016. Nguyen was an adjunct instructor teaching education law at CSU 东湾. Nguyen曾在许多董事会任职,包括美国教育委员会 (ACE) in Washington D.C. She is currently board chair of Cal LAW Pathways and board 加州医学联盟的成员——这两个组织都是她为了多样化而共同创立的 the legal and medical professions. Nguyen earned her Bachelor of Arts in philosophy from Yale University and Juris Doctor from UCLA School of Law. Nguyen is a Paul and Daisy Soros for New Americans Fellow. A refugee from Vietnam, Nguyen was one of 38 2017年被卡内基基金会授予“伟大移民”称号的个人 in The New York Times.
关闭 Dr. 莉娜·特兰目前担任加州哥伦比亚学院院长, 她拥有超过27年的经验,致力于服务和激励学生 from diverse backgrounds. She is deeply committed to offering a rich array of educational 提供个人成长和职业发展的机会,培育一个社区 inquisitive, creative, and thoughtful lifelong learners. During her tenure, she successfully 与Apple CAL FIRE、Fresno Workforce等行业领导者建立了合作关系 连接微软、麻省理工学院和加州大学伯克利分校,引领创新发展 编码、人工智能领域的双注册、转学和劳动力路径, fire and forestry, and healthcare. Additionally, Dr. 陈英雄还是 served in the role of 学生事务、外联和宿舍生活的经理和主任. Dr. 陈英雄还是 获得了许多奖项和荣誉,包括阿斯彭冉冉升起的总统 奖学金,斯坦福大学教育领导倡议奖,以及约翰 & Suanne Roueche Excellence Award. Furthermore, she was an honoree of the Fulbright 并被评为俄罗斯高校管理学者研讨会“100人”之一 Women of Influence in Silicon Valley.“ Silicon Valley 业务 Journal also recognized Dr. Tran as one of its “40 Under 40” rising stars in Silicon Valley. Dr. Tran努力培养和维护一种接受、庆祝和包容的文化 连通性. We can grow and learn better together with the collective sum of the 个体差异、生活经历、知识、自我表达和天赋.

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